Sustainability Centre Petersfield Hampshire Sunday May 13th

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Sustainability Centre Petersfield Hampshire Sunday May 13th

Postby ChrisB » Sat Apr 14, 2007 3:13 pm

I am trying to get myself and possibley others booked into this event

Details here

Currently I have no formal yes on this but they are looking into it, I will be going with my berlingo anyway, even if its just to park in the carpark 8) but if others want to attend with a vehicle then please let me know.

As I said there's no guarantee at this stage that the BVS can attend officially but you never know.

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Re: Sustainability Centre Petersfield Hampshire Sunday May

Postby qdos » Fri Apr 27, 2007 11:06 pm

I'd be interested in comming along with my Zest


It's not electric yet but you can hold your breath :wink:

ChrisB wrote:I am trying to get myself and possibley others booked into this event

Details here

Currently I have no formal yes on this but they are looking into it, I will be going with my berlingo anyway, even if its just to park in the carpark 8) but if others want to attend with a vehicle then please let me know.

As I said there's no guarantee at this stage that the BVS can attend officially but you never know.


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Postby ChrisB » Fri Apr 27, 2007 11:15 pm

Nice little motor 8)

What do you mean by not electric yet :? Sounds interesting

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Postby qdos » Mon Apr 30, 2007 8:42 am

Ah now that would be telling wouldn't it ;)

Have to keep your ears to the ground

ChrisB wrote:Nice little motor 8)

What do you mean by not electric yet :? Sounds interesting


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Postby ChrisB » Mon Apr 30, 2007 9:50 pm

Still waiting for conformation about this meet :cry:

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Postby ChrisB » Wed May 02, 2007 10:24 pm

mmmmm still no word from the organisers :evil: sometimes I do wonder if these people are actually interested in alternative things at all :roll:

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Postby ChrisB » Wed May 09, 2007 9:45 pm

Last ditch attempt to see if their interested :evil:
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Postby ChrisB » Sun May 13, 2007 10:14 am

Well got nothing back from them the last time at all, which I think is quite rude :(
Mind you dosnt look like they have got very good weather for it :lol: serves them right :lol:................well they could have at least have had the courtesy of saying no thanks its not the type of thing we are after.
Anyhow I'm still going to go up there in the leccy van and see what its all about.

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Postby qdos » Sun May 13, 2007 1:00 pm

Oh well not to worry it's peeing down here.

Are you going to the Burley meet in Rhe New Forrest?

ChrisB wrote:Well got nothing back from them the last time at all, which I think is quite rude :(
Mind you dosnt look like they have got very good weather for it :lol: serves them right :lol:................well they could have at least have had the courtesy of saying no thanks its not the type of thing we are after.
Anyhow I'm still going to go up there in the leccy van and see what its all about.


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Postby ChrisB » Sun May 13, 2007 5:15 pm

Right I'm back, and I got there and back in the van, a round trip of some 35 miles, one part was up a rather steep hill, well the center is on the top of the Southdowns so what did I expect :roll: I live at the bottom of the Southdowns.
But we got there and back and still had 40% left :shock: so I'm well chuffed.

As for "THE HAMPSHIRE GREEN FAIR" well sadly not quite what I had expected, its a shame as I hate knocking this sort of thing but when the organisers couldnt organise a $%^&* in a brewery what does one expect :cry:
I arrived at the main gate and told the guy I had arrived in a fully electric vehicle, which you would have thought might have raised an eyebrow but was just asked if I was a visitor and I said well sort of but had bought my electric ................but before I could finish he just waved me on saying the visitors carpark was further on :cry: I admit the rain was pouring down and I expect the guy wasnt too happy on the gate out in the weather and maybe I should have been a bit more forceful ??
Anyhow I parked up in the visitors carpark and wander back to the entrance feeling a bit dispondant with the rain now hammering it down.
At the entrance I am greeted by a woman saying, just youself ?? errrrr yes I reply , that will be £3 then :shock: errrrr sorry I reply, its £3 entrance fee she says.
I say that theres nothing on the website about it costing £3 to go in, which she replies that shes just here to take the money. So with that I hand over my £3, not that I begrudge paying £3 to go in but it would have been nice to know before hand. I also mentioned that I had arrived in an electric vehicle and that I had tried to arrange to show it but sadly once again total lack of interest and she said she was just a volunteer, which I suppose is fair enough but if she had any greenyness in her you would have thought she would have said I think you need to talk to so and so :?
But no just more lack of interest :cry:

Any how in I went hoping to see lots of interesting things from solar panels, wind generators, bio living, sustainable things etc etc
Then again may be not, I must admit I didnt explore the whole site but I felt I checked out all the areas that had stands or exhibits on and apart from a couple of companies who had some leaflets on solar panels that was about it !!!!
There was a large marquee with a band in and a bar selling Castlemain XXXX bit bizzare I thought, where was the real ale or home grown wine ???, there was about 7 other smaller stands with leaflets on logging etc that was it.

I did go to two of there talks in the lecture theatre, one about their biomass boiler and another about green gardening etc but even those where poorly announced and it wasn’t clear where you had to go to see them, I only found them by accident, and then they started one after the other and as I wanted to see their wood chip boiler after the lecture meant I missed the first half of the green gardening one DOH!!!
The talks themselves where very good to be honest and the two people that where doing them seemed to be very knowledgable.

It’s a shame these people have such great ideas and do so much research etc but have about as much business nonce as a tree without leaves :lol: .

Below are a few pics I took while I was there, it is a lovely location and for walks I recon it great.




I did come across a VW that was converted to run on vegie oil but again no one about to ask questions etc ??



Maybe in years to come it will improve, perhaps I should get envolved up there and shake them into the 21st century ??
It was a shame it hammered it down with rain 90% of the day which I think must have put off loads of people but there was a real lack of advertising I felt.


PS :- Yes Qdos I'll be at the burley meet causing mayhem :wink:
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