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Postby Deker » Sat Feb 09, 2008 4:08 am

Qdos – MS Word has the facilities for crude artwork – with extras –

I do wiring diagrams in Word, and 2D technical drawings, may be not to exact scale as in Autocad or similar packages. But close enough for me.

When I designed and built my electric traversing elevating platform I used word to construct a rough 3D image of the wire rope winding drums.
And saved the image as a .jpg, darned if I can recall how I did it.

When I say designed, that means next to nothing on paper, its all in my thinking bit
The exception is using Excel for “gearâ€Â

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Postby qdos » Sat Feb 09, 2008 8:09 am

You've not strayed that far off you've raised a valid comment which gives an opportunity for folk to find out how to have a go at designing thier own graphics :)

The key word here is "crude"

Word is not an application for doing artwork, much though Microsoft would like to lead you to believe it is. It simply is not.

If any of you folks would like to try a real package designed for image processing then try The Gimp it's completely free and is the next best thing to PhotoShop. It's Free it's Legal and it's a billion times better than Word's pretences. Try it you've nothing to loose

you can find out all about this ackage at the above URL. 8)

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Postby ChrisBarron » Sat Feb 09, 2008 8:31 am

Deker wrote:Qdos – MS Word has the facilities for crude artwork – with extras –

I need line drawings of the pre-mentioned – Locomotive – bus/truck – car/van – motorcycle/bicycle.

Any help out there ?


I use Inventor and Autocad, considering the price they're not what you would call readily accessible However if you're a registered student you can download them for free.

My daughter was watching me design something in 3D a couple of months ago, and wanted to try some for herself but found these packages overwhelming.

We scouted about the internet and discovered that Google have released a 3D drawing package, with clear and simple tutorials, called 'SketchUp', which is free to download.

Within half an hour she had made a 3D model of the major features of her bedroom and was doing flypasts and so on. It has a couple of very nice features whcih make it very easy to use for anyone who , like me, needs an imaginary framework and three axis to work in.

The SketchUp page is here
Other people are using it to create lifelike representations of buildings for incorporation into Google Earth, but you can draw practically anythign with just using a few of the main commands.


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Postby qdos » Sat Feb 09, 2008 10:18 am

Thank you for the link to the 3D software I used to use AutoCad too but like you say it's very expensive (in fact our system cost us £16,000 and that was quite some time ago now too.

Autocad however is a technical drawing package and 3D modelling package and is once again not aimed at artwork. None the less great software especially for designing cars etc :wink:

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Postby ChrisBarron » Sat Feb 09, 2008 3:34 pm

qdos wrote:Thank you for the link to the 3D software I used to use AutoCad too but like you say it's very expensive (in fact our system cost us £16,000 and that was quite some time ago now too.

Autocad however is a technical drawing package and 3D modelling package and is once again not aimed at artwork. None the less great software especially for designing cars etc :wink:

Is Autocad a 3D package now ? The only way I've used Autocad was in 2D mode but maybe that changed recently, I haven't used it for two years.

The Autodesk stuff is really improving in quality, and if anyone wants to know what is possible these days just try this quiz, where you have to guess if the image is CGI or real...just click start....

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Postby qdos » Sat Feb 09, 2008 11:25 pm

LOL well if I was to say I used AutoCad on a PC before it even had Windows and it was run in Dos and I told you we were doing 3D modelling in it and rendering would you be impressed ?

Yes AutoCad can run 3D and has done for a long long time :)

By the way I just tried the test and I was pretty surprised by the result I got ten out of ten :D Though the bonus quiz I got 2 wrong. Yes AutoCad is very very good. What I'd always hankered after was a virtual reality headset and glove to sculpt models with 8)

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Postby ChrisBarron » Sun Feb 10, 2008 10:48 am

qdos wrote:LOL well if I was to say I used AutoCad on a PC before it even had Windows and it was run in Dos and I told you we were doing 3D modelling in it and rendering would you be impressed ?

Yes AutoCad can run 3D and has done for a long long time :)

By the way I just tried the test and I was pretty surprised by the result I got ten out of ten :D Though the bonus quiz I got 2 wrong. Yes AutoCad is very very good. What I'd always hankered after was a virtual reality headset and glove to sculpt models with 8)

I suppose I was just being critical.
By 3D I meant true 3D parametric modelling, but I know 3D solids could be rendered (at verying speeds from what I remember !) for a long time.

I recently did report and presentation on the history of graphical user interfaces, GUI's, and found that while Xerox pretty much developed it to what we're familiar with today they pretty much it away to Apple, and consequently Microsoft. During my research I found that at least two US universities were doing 3D rendered-2D modeling as far back as 1975. Ovoid shapes were taking about 2 minutes to render !

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Postby qdos » Sun Feb 10, 2008 11:17 am

You ought to see some CGI work for television getting rendered it can take hours!

No before you ask AutoCad isn't used to do that! :wink:

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Postby ChrisBarron » Sun Feb 10, 2008 11:28 am

qdos wrote:You ought to see some CGI work for television getting rendered it can take hours!

No before you ask AutoCad isn't used to do that! :wink:

I've got a copy of Maya, also from Autodesk , it's actually very fast on rendering now because it only re-renders the layers in which changes have been made, night and day compared to how things once were.

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Postby ChrisBarron » Sun Feb 10, 2008 11:54 am

qdos wrote:You ought to see some CGI work for television getting rendered it can take hours!

No before you ask AutoCad isn't used to do that! :wink:

I just found this...

See a seven year old make a CGI spaceship in under ten minutes using Maya..

(Maya is a $5000 package, but you can get a completely free version for personal use only from

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