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Blingo wont go (or will it?)

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 7:51 pm
by Grumpy-b
I have just spent an instructive 2+ hours in the dim evening discovering the joys of my Berlingos.
My Multispace refused to go this afternoon after stoping it and then getting back in. Ign on contactor click, drive light on . press accelerator, nothing. Do full re boot nothing. Curse profusely run home and get Diesel version to go out for lunch with family.
Later on after excellent lunch and the rounding up of friend and no1 son to help push said multispace.Tow Multispace home.
Thinks, I have seen this before with a duff throttle pot. Swap out throttle pot. Now wont even click the contactor. Swap out matching calculator. Same as original no improvement.
Swap complete controller over.
Same as before.
Curse profusely, causing Lightbulb moment in brain, Ive seen this before.
Brake light switch is a *please do not swear* design and is held in by a serrated bush. If switch is not fully home it wont allow the vehicle to move as it thinks you have the brakes applied.
More cursing , but mixed with relief. Out with hot glue gun and secure the switch in place.
All functions back to normal.
Swapped back original calculator so that I still have the original hrs etc .
Job done, time wasted. Temp now below 0.

So if your berlingo goes click and wont move, just check the brake switch is fully depressed, before you embark on heroic swapping of parts.

Grumpy-b (Not so grumpy but more relieved)

Re: Blingo wont go (or will it?)

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 10:38 pm
by ChrisB
Oh of course, must admit that wouldnt have been the first thing I'd have looked at.

Well done and good to know, thanks for the share, sometimes the most simplest things can cause a no go.


Re: Blingo wont go (or will it?)

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 11:42 am
by chatwindows
This is the beauty of this club/forum. Little gems like this do not appear in any manuals & without fellow enthusiasts sharing their problems, they become insular & useless. Once you have experienced something like this, it is never a problem to you again, but how many other poor souls will never know if it is not shared like this. Thanks for this one. I've written it in my handbook fly leaf just in case I forget. I'm sure you all know what I mean.