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History of the PSA electric vehicle programme

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 8:01 pm
by MB
Does anyone have any links that explain the PSA electric vehicle programme of the 1990s? I would love to find out the history of why they were built, roughly how many were produced and so on.

Also, does anyone have any information on other Peugeot electric cars? I believe they built some back in around 1917, but I can't find any information about them.

Re: History of the PSA electric vehicle programme

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 9:35 am
by timpootle
A site I have found interesting in the past is Citroenet (fan based, not official as the wiki used to say):

Production totals are suspiciously exact.

How is your French?
The first electric vehicle mentioned on that page is the C15 and C25 of 1989. I found these pages: ... ue_C15.htm ... ue_C25.htm

but beware pop-ups.

Translation here: ... CCoQ7gEwAQ

Interesting comment on the C15 page:
In June 1984, Peugeot had the 205 Electric...

so maybe the story starts with Peugeot, not Citroen. I can't find any further mention of this early 205.

In fact, the first C15 were experienced in La Rochelle since 1987 by local authorities.

As for the early history, this page (on the same pop-up infested site) is useful: ... stoire.htm

Another port-of call might be the French counterpart to our own forum, found here:

Hope that helps.