Berlingo servicing

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Berlingo servicing

Postby chatwindows » Fri Mar 12, 2010 11:59 am

Although I have no indication of any problem, I am intrigued enough to want to know if there is any need to top up any oil in the transmission or epicyclic gearbox on the end of the motor. Having been a motor engineer for most of my life I am aware that such things do consume or leak over a period. Does anyone know anything about this aspect of the Blingo. If there is a need, where is the plug/filler?

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Re: Berlingo servicing

Postby ChrisB » Fri Mar 12, 2010 1:29 pm

Details here


Reminds me to update the Faq with it.

Its worth checking, but unless your aware of any leaks I wouldnt think you need to do it regularly, having said that the gearbos holds very little oil and thus I suspect if any did leak out you could very quickly run into expensive problems.
I am aware of one Blingo owner that had bearing failure due to lack of oil.

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Re: Berlingo servicing

Postby chatwindows » Fri Mar 12, 2010 1:58 pm

Thanks Chris.
I was sure it would be you who knew the answer. I shall go & have a look. I am confident there is no problem, but as you are aware, old hands need to know about oils & gearboxes from past sad experiences. I have a Morgan Three Wheeler, so I "do" know about low gearbox oil!!!!
Thanks again.

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Re: Berlingo servicing

Postby ChrisB » Thu Mar 18, 2010 9:48 pm

No worries, I'm no expert, just using experiences gained from my own ownership and others.

These vehicles are so great and useable that we need to keep them going while we can until the rest of the world catches up with them :lol:

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Re: Berlingo servicing

Postby chatwindows » Fri Mar 19, 2010 10:12 am

You are so right. I am constantly amazed at how far behind the Blingo these so called wonder vehicles are, that keep popping up over the parapet. I've driven two so far, that do not even get close to the comparitive sophistication of the Citroen. I'm sure that hidden powers scotched the mass use of these vans in the UK. I still get detractors who pour scorn on the range. In eighteen months of ownership I only remember one time when I got down to less than 10%. Even then, with four big guys on board we still climbed the short hill to my house without any noticeable difference in performance. I have an elderly neighbour who pours scorn on my vehicle for it's 50-60 mile range. "Not a bit of use to anyone." He has had three batteries on his Rover 25, because he uses it once a day to collect his newspaper & once a week to go to Tesco's, 500 yards away! Now thats blinkered.
All the best & thanks again.
By the way, the gearbox was full!

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