The EV1 lives again!

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The EV1 lives again!

Postby aminorjourney » Wed Dec 19, 2007 9:32 am

This is really hot news!

Head to for the full, fantastic, unadulterated story!
Nikki Gordon-Bloomfield

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Postby ChrisBarron » Sun Dec 30, 2007 10:40 pm

I've just watched the video about this on Youtube

...and noticed that an acquantance of mine, Jeff Thomas, was mentioned as the guy who hacked the keycode system. Ive emailed him to talk about it, and he's forwarded to me the email which he received from Chelsea Sexton about the meet...copied in below.

Jeff is connected with , but we met when I did some programming for him for his beutiful vintage electronic nixie clocks

Chelsea attached a couple of photos, mainly of her and Chris Payne grinning like mad !

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > >> > > > > > > > > > > >>

Subject: FW: A few pictures from yesterday


There was some video taken, by Stefano Paris and a podcaster named Matt Kelly- his site is, if you want to keep an eye out for it. We'd wanted to do more, but as you know, it was tough to coordinate it all last minute. I never heard a word after sending you the event info, so until they called just about as they were arriving, I wasn't sure they got on the road at all. But there were tons of still shots taken (not kidding, it looked like our film premiere w all the cameras going). Larry Paul is going to burn me a cd when he gets back from his next trip, but sent these in the meantime. I'll let you know when Stefano's page is up too, if he doesn't post it to the EV1 list.

I don't know how public the discussion will get on the list about how this all happened given our discussion about GM lurkers, but please know how excited everyone was, and how much respect and gratitude was directed your way by everyone who was there. You were certainly missed. You allowed a lot of people to relive a moment they never thought they'd see again, and one many never got the chance to have at all.

On the subject of the list, etc., I think it's fine to talk about this. I might not get too specific about reprogramming to act like an S-10, etc- basically, if anything about this freaks GM out, it'll be that you were able to pull this off without a lot of third-party parts and re-engineering certain systems (though I fully realize that doesn't mean it was easy!) However, there's nothing you've done that's outside the agreement, and I think even they would have to know how stupid it would be to give anyone problems about this given the history. That said, if you or the WWU team hear anything negative at all from GM, please let me know right away- I should be able to help with that.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend, and get some rest!



Anyway Chris, good luck with your EV conversion efforts.

Regards, Jeff

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Wrong link, apologies !

Postby ChrisBarron » Sun Dec 30, 2007 10:43 pm

I mixed my links up there, here's the link about the EV-1 being resurected


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Postby aminorjourney » Sun Dec 30, 2007 10:49 pm

What a small world! Nixie clocks and ev1s are very cool.

Knowing Chris P he probably enjoyed every moment with the Ev1. Last time we spoke he had hopes for a sequeto WKTEC so I hope this car features!

Nikki Gordon-Bloomfield

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Postby ChrisBarron » Sun Dec 30, 2007 11:13 pm

aminorjourney wrote:What a small world! Nixie clocks and ev1s are very cool.

Knowing Chris P he probably enjoyed every moment with the Ev1. Last time we spoke he had hopes for a sequeto WKTEC so I hope this car features!


It's not as if it will rot away in their climate, so if it takes a while it won't matter !

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Postby aminorjourney » Mon Dec 31, 2007 7:15 am

Very true. I hope it doesn't though ;)

Here's the thing. I've driven a RAV4 EV - I've got to drive an EV1 now too! :) How on earth do I do that?
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Postby retepsnikrep » Mon Dec 31, 2007 9:31 am

Hallelujah, God be praised! GM might even come to their senses eventually and revive this project I hope.

A great car, probably the most practical ev developed to date. 8)
Regards Peter

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Postby qdos » Mon Dec 31, 2007 9:58 am

Different car I know and it's not as practical but check out the home page of the main BVS site for a video of a road test of the Aptera :D

Click here to see video

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Postby ChrisBarron » Mon Dec 31, 2007 5:46 pm

qdos wrote:Different car I know and it's not as practical but check out the home page of the main BVS site for a video of a road test of the Aptera :D

Click here to see video

Would I drive it though ?

It's weird, bizarre, attracts too much attention, looks unstable, and , well yes I would like to drive it !

Once I got over the fact that its shape is a result of form following function, I reckon it's pretty. It will never be macho but it doesn't need to be because it's in a league of it's own, one just for clever cars like that.

It would be great to get out of it and go into the shop, catching people looking at it and ask them what the fuss is about, it's a car after all, and haven't they seen one before ? !

At first sight it should belong in a sci fi movie, but thinking about it more it belongs in the sci fi movies from the 70's, when cars in the future all looked like an Aptera...well this is the future, and it's here for us, and doesn't this make all other car manufacturers look like they're asleep , I think it does.

There's an element of flight about it, which comes from it's shape. and that satisfying feeling you get when getting out of a streamlined aircraft, knowing it was travelling really efficiently through the air must also come to you when driving this vehicle as it slips through the air. You will know you aren't using any more energy than you strictly need to in order to move along.

Woops, bit of an essay going on here know, thats enough for now

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Postby qdos » Tue Jan 01, 2008 9:06 am

I'd love to drive it! Being that I am a pilot and I fly gliders (though to be honest mainly Hang gliders and paragliders) I love the shape, though I'd like a tandem rather than side by side.

To me there's very very few new cars that look good There seems to be a competition to build the ugliest looking heap of non stylish lumps of mishaped pieces of metal and plastic and it's being lead by BMW who used to produce some lovely looking machines.


The Aptera is like nothing else on the road other than perhaps the T-Rex but then that's a performance machine where as the Aptera is more like a graceful swan.

I never did like the looks of the EV1 but I do LOVE the look of the Volt and I'd buy one if it were available (and I had the money)

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