"Too many Turnigys?"

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Location: Plymouth, England

"Too many Turnigys?"

Postby ex925 » Thu Feb 20, 2014 9:58 am

I am recovering from a quadruple-bypass heart-op.
I had planned to sell my home-built electric motorcycle if I could afford a better machine ready-made
Zero Motorcyces quit the UK abruptly, I cannot afford a Brammo or one of the Italian rocketships,
"Agility Saetta" are still in the gestation-stage AFAIK.....so..............
Literally back to the drawing-board

I have 64 Turnigy 18.5v.dc/5A batteries in my home-built "mk1" electric-motorcycle (72-84v.dc nominal) pack
I have 16 more ready to make up an 80-battery pack for a "mk2" TWEV
I could buy another 20 5A Turnigys for a 100 - battery pack, but I see 3 problems

1 BMS:
1.1 I have a simple JozzTek HVC/LVC setup in the present pack
1.2 I regularly use 4 "Battery-Doctor" balancers to level the (4S) cell-groups
1.3 No more of the simple HVC/LVCs are available

2 Complexity and error opportunity
2.1 The present pack has a LOT of internal connections, HV and especially LV
2.2 A 100-battery pack would be even more complex and awkward and open to problems

3 Avoidable bulk
3.1 100 small batteries = a lot of packaging
3.2 ...and a LOT of internal cables, etc.

So, questions:

Q1 I need, preferably retail in the UK:
Q2 Idiot-proof, off-the-shelf, high-performance Lithium batteries of, say 20-30A each
Q3 Must have own fully autonomous BMS, either per battery, or in multiple-battery sets

Anyone know of anything like this ?

"Thank you for listening"
Ed. Gordon in Plymouth, England

Posts: 331
Joined: Wed Jun 04, 2008 9:13 am
Location: Plymouth, England

Re: "Too many Turnigys?"

Postby ex925 » Thu Feb 20, 2014 10:00 am

Or, possibly,

Anyone know of an affordable electric motorcycle or scooter retailed now in the UK or nearby EU with c. 100 miles range ?



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