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City EL contact, USA

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 8:32 am
by aminorjourney
Hi folks,

I've just exchanged some really interesting emails with Craig Childers, one of California's most prominent City El owners. He owns quite a few series II beasts and commutes to work every day in one of them!

He's written a very interesting article about the City El in the USA and I'm going to ask him to let us put it on here, but first, a quick summary.

The El was imported into the CA area between 1992 and 1993, but sadly an accident involving a motorcyclist trying out an El and tipping it followed by an unsuccessful law suit put CityCom off importing them to the US. The US models have a fibreglass roof, which is much stronger than the ones we have here. They've also been upgraded slightly so they comply with US safety law.

Anyway - more when I've talked further to Craig!

Apparently he also has access to some English Series II manuals which I've expressed an interest in.
