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Electric car/van stickers or graphics

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 7:52 pm
by sticks
does anybody have any good ev stickers or designs?
im going to get one made at my friends whos got a sign writing shop and just thought if anyone knows of or has one can give me some ideas or pics etc.

Re: Electric car/van stickers or graphics

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 1:36 am
by dargles
Hi, Sticks.
I guess there's a little issue here of exactly what sort of graphics you might be looking for. Have you thought of poking around the World Wide Wonders? For example, I searched for "electric car graphics" came up with this:,
or searching on "electric graphics" and switching to "images" gave this:

The trouble is that graphics can be a bit personal, I guess, so it's a question of what you want, what sorts of things you like, and so on. It's got me thinking, though. I've been thinking of rather more subtle things, like converting a 2CV and changing the logo on the back to 2EV, for example [OK, that's neither subtle nor original, but you get what I mean...]. But decent graphics could make a nice EV really stand out from the crowd :) .
Regards, David

Re: Electric car/van stickers or graphics

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 10:16 pm
by ChrisB
dargles wrote:The trouble is that graphics can be a bit personal, I guess, so it's a question of what you want, what sorts of things you like, and so on......

I tend to agree, personally I hate anything that screams "I drive and electric vehicle", subtlety is everything and less is more in my book.
For my converted Fiesta I got the word "Electric" made up in the same font/design as the other badges Fiesta's had and stuck it in the same place on the rear boot.
I also applied a couple to the side windows, but overall the effect was very subtle.


Re: Electric car/van stickers or graphics

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 10:34 pm
by Night Train
I am going subtle with my car.

I am removing all signs of the original branding and badging and replacing with my own company brand. The only indicators of its change to electric will be a subtle 'electric' on the speedo dial and a little '160V' (or whatever it ends up being) slapped on the boot lid. I will probably have loads of H&S hazzard triangles all over the under bonnet areas though.

Re: Electric car/van stickers or graphics

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 11:53 am
by timpootle
I think what Russ Sciville did to his Elise is very stylish.

I can't find a photo of the boot, but it had something similar across the back, too.

Re: Electric car/van stickers or graphics

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 9:56 pm
by sticks
Hi all,sorry was abit vague on the type of design and look, i went with the gimmick factor which ties in with my line of work an electrician and have bought this van as a secondry call out quote van and it looks so good !!! loving the lingo

Re: Electric car/van stickers or graphics

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 12:16 pm
by PeterKesel
I think your product is really very stylish & cool.