Settings for charge rates on EVs

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Settings for charge rates on EVs

Postby SoloOwners » Sat Oct 22, 2016 6:14 pm

I'm fairly new to all this.
I'd like to know...
What is the normal charge rates on commercially mfg EVs such as the leaf?
Are there different manual user charger settings, such as 12amps, 16amps and 24amps?
How do automatic settings work?

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Joined: Sat Dec 01, 2007 12:06 pm

Re: Settings for charge rates on EVs

Postby Grumpy-b » Tue Oct 25, 2016 9:06 pm

Depends upon the charger fitted. If its a 3kw (ish) then it will need 16amp, if its a 7kw it will need a 32a power outlet. (you can get 3 phase 22kw)
The plugs and the power outlets let the car know what they can deliver and so cut back power taken accordingly. So plug a 7kw charger in say a leaf into a 16amp outlet , and the charger will know it cant use its full capacity and cut back accordingly. The same goes with the "brick that plugs into a 13a socket, its connection tells the car charger to cut back to probably 10a max current. All is standardised with Sae j1772 and europe 62196 standards.
People wrongly call the box on the wall the charger, its not, its a simple power outlet, the charger is built into the car. Except for CCs or Chademo that use direct high voltage High current DC straight into the battery pack, and controlled by a handshake between the car and the off car large dc control / charger unit.

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