Electrical fault and Battery top up light

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Dave Corbett
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Joined: Fri May 30, 2008 3:06 pm

Electrical fault and Battery top up light

Postby Dave Corbett » Sun Jun 15, 2008 8:33 am

I have recently aquired a berlingo EV and these warning lights will not switch off although the batteries have been watered and there's no appearent electrical fault. Any ideas on how to sort them?

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Postby ChrisB » Sun Jun 15, 2008 9:30 am

Hi ya

If the batteries have been watered by Dealer they should have switched off the water light.

I'm hoping that the previouse owner has not "fudged" the watering and just bunged water in the batteries as this is a BIG no no, but I suspect they have :roll:

You can ONLY carry out watering after a maint charge due to the fact if you dont the next time the vehicle is charged it will spew electrolyte out of the vents due to expansion, loss of electrolyte means lack of range and battery perfomance and I have even heard that the electrolyte can crystalize in the vents and block the filling tubes etc causing untold problems :cry:

I've got a horrible feeling someone who didint know what they where doing and has watered the batteries without doing a maint charge :roll: :cry: , you can only do a maint charge by either taking it to a dealer or buying an EVlite from EVan and instructing the ECU to going into maint mode , one of three different charge routines available.

I suspect the ECU lights on now as the ECU is now in battery limitation mode, it thinks the batteries have not been watered and hence is shouting at you to get it to a dealer. This light will come and the ECU will now start to limit battery charging I suspect.

Its not sounding to good to be honest, sorry to sound somewhat negative but I do wish people wouldnt mess about and try and water these vehicles when its clear they dont know what they are doing :roll:

Where abouts are you in the UK

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