AGM 2008 discussion

General BVS related area
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Postby Grumpy-b » Fri May 09, 2008 3:18 pm

Thanks for all the assistance, I have now been told by Rob Sharp that the membership secretary is being changed, hence the delay. Ive now got access to an online version of the magazine.

Its important that the BVS doesnt split up, with the growing interest of people in Plug in Vehicles, the society could soon become a significant lobby orgaisation to enhance public awareness and services. But not if it splits up. The Life of brian springs to mind The Society of Battery Vehicles or the Battery Vehicle society. Dont let it happen, dont lose sight of the aim of furthering the use of these vehicles.

My own employer has now embraced the idea, and I hope to have charging locations at a few of our East Anglian Offices soon. My contact with Local Authorities has so far been good and one made temporary facilities available for nme this week, and are now looking into a permanent facility.

We can make a difference,
Grumpy-b (Not quite so grumpy now)

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Postby qdos » Fri May 09, 2008 3:37 pm

Glad to hear Rob has sorted something out for you. I agree wholeheartedly.

We're very much trying to get things changed as you've found out but we need your votes to make the few who hold the controls sit up and listen and hopefully step aside too.

if you don't get a hard copy of the magazine soon drop me a line and I'll get you one sorted.

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Postby ChrisB » Fri May 09, 2008 9:01 pm

Grumpy-b wrote:Thanks for all the assistance, I have now been told by Rob Sharp that the membership secretary is being changed, hence the delay. Ive now got access to an online version of the magazine.

Can I just add, before folks get the wrong idea, the on-line version of the mag was only a one off to assist "not so" Grumby-B :wink:

I reject reality and substitute my own !!!!!!

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Postby Grumpy-b » Sat May 10, 2008 10:13 am

Sorry, I didnt make it clear, Chris is quite correct the digital version was a one off to give me access to the Mag, its quite large as a file and not really something to put on line as it is. It was a kind gesture by Rob, so dont all go searching for the online version, you wont find it.


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