Hillclimb project

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Hillclimb project

Postby EVguru » Mon Jun 02, 2008 7:56 pm

I've been working on and off (mostly off) on my Van Dieman RF79 hillclimb EV for far too long. There's not a vast amount of work to do, but I'm really struggling to find the energy to do it along with all the other projects I have.

If someone really wanted to buy it, I'd be open to sensible offers, but I don't really want to sell (which is why I'm not pasting in the for sale section). I'd rather find someone who'd like to take on the project and share the use of it once running.

You can see some of the work done on my (very) old website; http://www.paulcompton.vispa.com/vandiemen1.htm


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