AGM Result

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AGM Result

Postby MaryRCrumpton » Mon May 26, 2008 6:58 am

I thought people might like to know the results of the key positions, as decided during yesterday's AGM.

Chair - John Lilly

Secretary - Mary Perkins.

Deputy/Vice Chairs - John Crayton and Frank Wykes.

Treasurer - jointly held by Neil Baxter and Russell Couper.

Membership Secretary - Rob Sharpe

Editor - Kelvin Kinkaid (for whatever magazine the society produces)
(We are hoping that Brian Hampton wil continue as a Technical Editor, but he has made no firm commitment.)

Website Secretary - Chris Blight (coordinating Forum and Website staff; we now have an Internet Team).

Archives Secretary - Mike Boxwell

Competitions Secretary - Paul Compton.

Publicity Officer - Vacant
The hope is that Regional Contacts will do their bit locally. There were no volunteers for the national position. Do let me know if you know if you can recommend anyone.

Sales Secretary - Vacant. I have agreed to take on some of the role, and set up a small online shop, until another volunteer is forthcoming to take on the whole role. Again, volunteers would be welcome.

Deputy Minutes taker - William Macphee.
(To take meeting minutes if I am unavailable)

Editorial Secretary - Angela Schroer.
(Types up handwritten contributions received for the magazine/website etc).

General Enquiries - Alan Ward as first point of contact.
(Assisted if needed by Derek Manly as second point of contact).

Advertising Secretary - Vacant - the job is to do things like phone potential advertisers who might advertise in the magazine etc, write invoices for those that take ads. Again, let me know if you can recommend anyone.

I think that covers it.

Also, by a significant majority, the magazine vote winner was:
6 issues of Plugged In and NO issues of BVR.

It was agreed that the intention would be to go with that result, and prduce bi-monthly issues of Plugged In. There was strong support for my idea of Plugged In including a Technical Section, to ensure that the excellent technical content of BVR is included.
Brian made no firm commitments to help with this, but I for one hope that he will continue to be involved with the society magazine by performing a technical editorial role.
Kelvin will be putting together an editorial team to work on Plugged In, so do let him know if you would like to volunteer to assist.

So, the list of people above are the wonderful people who will be taking the BVS forward from this point as key commitee people.

In addition of course we have several local area contacts who we hope will continue to do all the good things they do in their regions.

I would like to offer my congratulations to everyone that has been voted in.

Mary Perkins.
BVS North-West Coordinator, based in Manchester.
Contact via Text/Phone on 07751 696 055

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Postby ChrisB » Mon May 26, 2008 10:44 pm

Well done all 8)

OMG I'm a website secretary .............does that mean I have to wear a skirt :lol:

I reject reality and substitute my own !!!!!!

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